A new documentary titled Superman: The Christopher Reeve Story is set to be released on September 21, offering an intimate look at the life and legacy of the actor who famously portrayed Superman. Christopher Reeve, who became a symbol of heroism both on and off the screen, is celebrated in this documentary for his groundbreaking role in the iconic 1978 Superman film, as well as his courageous battle following the horseback riding accident that left him paralyzed in 1995.
This official poster was shared by DC Studio’s CEO James Gunn on his X (twitter) profile.
The documentary features never-before-seen footage, interviews with family, friends, and colleagues, and explores Reeve’s journey from Hollywood star to an advocate for spinal cord injury research and disability rights. Superman: The Christopher Reeve Story not only honors his contributions to cinema but also his enduring impact on millions as a real-life hero who faced immense challenges with grace and determination.
Fans of Reeve and admirers of his work including James Gunn, are sure to find inspiration in this heartfelt tribute to a man who embodied the spirit of Superman both in his film career and in his personal life. This would be worth waiting for. What are your thoughts?